Ms. Swati Mayur, Chief Operating Officer
Swati Mayur is a postgraduate in International Marketing & Management, looking
after organizational activities on behalf of the Board of Intelligence Security. She has
been with the Intelligence Security team since its inception. Her valuable
contribution over the years has helped Intelligence Security to have a prestigious
client base. She has attended various quality workshops on implementation of ISO
procedures. Subsequent to that she has been appointed as ISO-Management Representative.
She monitors the on-going quality improvement processes to
ensure the best practices within the industry. Her innovative ideas have also been
appreciated by the management and welcomed by the clients who has not only
improved the overall client satisfaction but also added new dimensions to the
Intelligence Security.

Her rich experience has helped her in successfully achieving the Client Retention, which has not only increased the clients' confidence but also generated a lot of new good references. She has been associated in designing, planning and executing of integrated security solutions in this ever-changing scenario of Indian market for security needs. Her experience and security background has been of great help to the team in successfully handling of complex projects.